ENCEE CHLOR (Future of Water Disinfection)

About the Objective

Urban areas have seen a steep rise in terms of population in recent years. With the rise in population, pollution has also increased in such areas. The reliability of government-sourced water supply has also decreased. In a country like India, where the majority of the population is responsible for the rising pollution, the current generation should start taking measures to ensure clean and safe drinking water for the future generation.

The UTI infection rate in the country has significantly increased in the past few years because of improper water intake and water impurities. The solution for the same is water disinfection – removing various microorganisms from the water to make it potable.

Disinfection of water results in the elimination of harmful microorganisms, disabling their ability to reproduce.

One more method used to treat harmful microorganisms in water is sterilization. Under sterilization, all the microorganisms are treated.

Disinfection of water

The goal of disinfecting the water supplies is to clear off all the harmful organisms responsible for waterborne diseases. The diseases that can be controlled with the disinfection of water are typhoid, paratyphoid fevers, cholera, and many more.

The most effective, and the most common, way of disinfection is Chlorination, used all over the globe to contain harmful microorganisms.

The performance level of disinfection by Chlorination is extremely high. For more than a decade, people have used this method to save themselves from hospital bills. The same was stated in the research report conducted by the National Academy Of Sciences, 1977. “Chlorination is the standard of disinfection against which others are compared” Any water disinfection method, or equipment, that’s used to treat water for human consumption should be valued on the following basis:

The efficacy rate to fight waterborne infectious organisms

The accuracy to monitor and control the process

The ability to enhance the production of the particles to protect them from post-treatment contamination

A lot of water chlorination systems, however, run on electricity. A big obstacle to electro-chlorinators is that India’s also rife with electricity shortages and frequent power blackouts. Rural areas, particularly, suffer from these shortages due to a lack of adequate infrastructure and connectivity. Moreover, with massive inadequacies in coal plants being reported, India is staring at an unprecedented power crisis.

To ensure that clean drinking water reaches areas with improper electricity, it is important to develop water chlorinator systems that run on affordable and renewable alternatives to coal-powered thermal energy, like solar or wind energy.

(This is where Solar ENCEE CHLOR comes in.)

Enchee Chlor - The Future of

Water Disinfection

Here’s the ultimate water disinfection equipment for eliminating harmful contaminants from water – ENCEE CHLOR which includes a unique hypochlorite generator, installed on-site.

It is the future of water disinfection that works on the proven concept of ‘electro chlorination’, helping safeguard families from water-borne diseases.

You can count on ENCEE CHLOR for the safest way to generate chlorine and eliminate water impurities.

Here are some features of Solar ENCEE CHLOR that make it a unique chlorination system:

ENCEE Chlor consists of four units; the electrolyzer is the generator. The rectifier is a power pack. Apart from this, there’s a dosing tank and a dosing pump.

With just these four units the water disinfection plant is ready to use.

About Rite Water

Solar ENCEE CHLOR is a product by Rite Water Solutions and meets all necessary testing standards and approvals from the concerned government authorities. Rite Water Solutions has been devising water disinfection systems for over 15 years. We have over 2500 water treatment plans all over the country and purify over 5 million liters of water every day.

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