Jal Jeevan Mission-How Ritewater Solutions is taking this forward for the betterment of everyone?

About the Objective

For as long as one can remember, water has been the focal point of life. We have relied on water for centuries for survival and will continue to. As important as water is for us humans, it is getting less accessible by day.

Everyday, a woman from a rural Indian village walks at least 6 kilometers on an average to provide her family with water for the day. Now that may not affect people in cities who are using more water than their counterparts in the villages. But if the water they drink is polluted with fatal chemicals that are left inside their bodies?

The picture is jarring. Water truly represents the quality of life of the region. Poisoned water being the only source of quenching thirsts does not bode well for anyone, the people or the government. To eradicate the problem, the Government of India launched the Jal Jeevan Mission.

A mission that aims to bring clean water to as many rural homes as possible, at affordable costs. The goal is to bring safe water to every rural home by 2025. This sounds noble and the right direction towards a better quality of living for people who need it. However, a mission with such a magnitude is not an easy feat to achieve.

The objectives of the Government of India

The Conclusion:

An initiative that allows people to bring in safe water to their homes at lowest costs is the one that Rite Water is proud of. Water has been an essential source of life for so long, and the need for it only increases every day. RiteWater aims at not just solving the scarcity for the present, but the future.

Initiatives by RWS also enable private citizens to come forward and help aid us in making the lives of rural populations better. Initiatives like water ATM systems and Solar water purification systems in new locations have a heavy initial burden, people can contribute and share the burden as they will.

Water is a necessity, and RWS aims to make it accessible to every person they can. A safe water solution is everyone’s right.

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