How Solar Electro Chlorinator Technology will change the future of Water Chlorination Systems

About the Objective

It is estimated that less than 50% of our population has access to clean drinking water. A majority of Indians drink water with high levels of contamination, which could cause a plethora of health problems. A seamless supply of clean water to everyone is the need of the hour.

Disinfection and sterilization are two of the most common methods employed to make water fit for consumption. However, disinfection is the most prevalent method of purifying water to be consumed at a large scale.

Disinfection of water

Disinfection of drinking water is important to maintain and protect public health, as it removes pathogens and other harmful microorganisms from the water. Diseases like cholera, typhoid, paratyphoid fevers, etc. can be curbed by disinfecting drinking water in water supply systems.

So far, chlorination remains the most effective, and most commonly used water disinfection method, as it has a very high disinfection capacity. Many studies have proven the potency of chlorine to remove harmful microorganisms from water, making it safer for consumption. It has been THE agent that kept people safe from diseases and away from hospital visits.

The 1977 report by the National Academy of Sciences lays out the following criteria used to assess any disinfection system, method, or equipment used to treat water for human consumption:

Its efficacy against waterborne pathogens

The accuracy with which the process can be monitored and controlled

Its ability to improve particle production to protect them from post-treatment contamination

The quality of the treated water

The availability of the system to be adopted on the scale required for public supply

A lot of water chlorination systems, however, run on electricity. A big obstacle to electro-chlorinators is that India’s also rife with electricity shortages and frequent power blackouts. Rural areas, particularly, suffer from these shortages due to a lack of adequate infrastructure and connectivity. Moreover, with massive inadequacies in coal plants being reported, India is staring at an unprecedented power crisis.

To ensure that clean drinking water reaches areas with improper electricity, it is important to develop water chlorinator systems that run on affordable and renewable alternatives to coal-powered thermal energy, like solar or wind energy.

This is where Solar ENCEE CHLOR comes in.


Clean, convenient, and unique, Solar ENCEE CHLOR is yet another one of our innovative onsite water chlorination systems and can disinfect 30,000 liters of water per day.

Solar ENCEE CHLOR is comprised of three components- a generator module, a solar power pack, and a DC controller. This simple setup makes the chlorinator easy to install and use.

Here are some features of Solar ENCEE CHLOR that make it a unique chlorination system:

Solar ENCEE CHLOR as a chlorination system has the following advantages over regular electro chlorinators

Success story

Solar ENCEE CHLOR chlorinators have already seen a lot of success in the villages they have been set up and garnered praise and aplomb. The Jal Jeevan Mission of the Ministry of Jal Shakti has commended our endeavors in the village of Baronda in Raipur district, Chhattisgarh, via their official Twitter handle.

About Rite Water

Solar ENCEE CHLOR is a product by Rite Water Solutions and meets all necessary testing standards and approvals from the concerned government authorities. Rite Water Solutions has been devising water disinfection systems for over 15 years. We have over 2500 water treatment plans all over the country and purify over 5 million liters of water every day.

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